Etengo AG is committed to corporate social and environmental responsibility. We expect our employees to comply with the principles of social, ethical and environmentally friendly behaviour, and to integrate them into the corporate culture. We also strive to continuously optimise our corporate activities and our services in terms of sustainability, and expect the same of our suppliers, to engage in a combined effort.
Our code of conduct is based on international conventions including
- the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
- the UNICEF guidelines on Children’s Rights and Business Principles,
- the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,
- the International Labour Organization (ILO) International Labour Standards and
- the United Nations Global Compact,
as well as national laws and regulations such as
- the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG).
For future collaboration, Etengo AG shall require its contractors to comply with the following provisions in terms of a joint code of conduct. In addition to complying with the listed principles and requirements, contractors shall also endeavour to encourage their own subcontractors to comply. A breach of this code of conduct may ultimately be grounds and cause for Etengo AG to terminate the business relationship including all associated supply contracts.