Etengo interne karriere

The GO for your career upgrade: Etengo

Alexander Raschke

A big job. A growth market.

Endless opportunities. For you.

Welcome! We are Etengo. The specialist staffing service provider for project-based work for highly skilled digital and IT experts. We have some 200 employees based in Mannheim, Frankfurt am Main, Düsseldorf and Berlin organising project work for freelance DIG.IT experts throughout Germany. This means we help realise visionary projects, thus shaping the digital future of companies of all sizes from all industries. That is who we are. And who are you? We look forward to getting to know you and working with you to shape your future at Etengo.

Alexander Raschke, CEO

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The opportunity you are looking for: Our job vacancies.

Find the right job for you at Etengo. Whether you are starting out or changing career, or already have experience in the sector.

Team Manager Sales Webseite Header

Team Manager Sales


Click here for Job details
Senior Key Account Manager Webseite Header

Senior Key Account Manager


Click here for Job details
Business Engineer Consultant Webseite Header

Salesforce developer


Click here for Job details
Key Account Manager Webseite Header

Key Account Manager


Click here for Job details
Account Manager Webseite Header

(Junior) Account Manager


Click here for Job details
Werkstudent Webseite Header

Werkstudent Recruiting


Click here for Job details
Werkstudent Webseite Header

Working student customer data management


Click here for Job details
IT Administrator Webseite Header

(Senior) IT-Administrator


Click here for Job details

Nothing suitable there?

Then apply now on your own initiative!

o Then apply now on your own initiative! You want to make a career with us? But you can't find the right position for you at the moment? Then just sign up for our talent pool! We will keep an eye out for the right job for you. We look forward to further contact with you!

Talent Pool

Lass uns reden

Über Dich. Und Deine Karriere bei Etengo.

Deine Karriere und Deine berufliche Weiterentwicklung sind Dir wichtig. Uns auch. Deswegen freuen wir uns darauf, Dich näher kennenzulernen und mehr über Dich zu erfahren. Dabei verstehen wir uns als Dein Coach und besprechen gerne mit Dir zusammen, wie Dein Einstieg bei Etengo zu einer gemeinsamen Erfolgsgeschichte werden kann. Wir sind für Dich da. Melde Dich.

Anna Schulz Team Manager Talent Acquisition
Michael De Castro Lima Talent Acquisition Manager
Tirza Götz  
Tim Eberlein Talent Acquisition Advisor
Viktoria Alexi Talent Acquisition Advisor
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On top for you

Our benefits and motivational incentives are designed to create a supportive environment for you to succeed.

The GO for your career in sales.