Arbeiten bei etengo

The GO for joint success: Etengo

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

Etengo benefits: Mobile working (working in other EU countries) + Company bike + Company pension scheme + iPhone ...

One thing is clear: Our mission.

We organise the placement of highly skilled DIG.IT experts on specific projects. This means we help German companies of all sizes and from all industries to make IT-related visions a reality and shape their digital future.

This is how we work at Etengo. This is how we work together to achieve success.

  • We know what to do. And we do it. We are all responsible and helpful contacts in our own specific areas.
  • We have drive and energy. We get things done and stay in close contact with our customers and DIG.IT specialists. We think ahead and look for the best solution, because we love it when we are all successful.
  • We live and breathe fairness and transparency, both internally towards our colleagues, fellow workers and managers, and externally towards our customers and DIG.IT specialists, with our open book policy as one example. This creates a feeling of trust, which is the prerequisite for a cooperation based on partnership.
  • We ensure positive communication across all levels. We see feedback and constructive criticism as an opportunity to improve together. Every day.

Your career and development opportunities at Etengo.

Write the next chapter of your personal success story.

A successful career is important to you. And to us. So we provide you with support on how to be successful at Etengo from your very first day. This involves giving individual training based on your personal ambitions and career plans, targeted coaching and continuous professional development. If you take responsibility, including personal responsibility, and focus on your career at Etengo, we will do everything we can to make it work for you, whatever career path you choose.

Technical career path
You are an expert in your field and working towards senior level. Your word is your bond. You have impressive expertise. With your experience and know-how, you are the first point of contact for customers, an able consultant for IT experts and a role model for your colleagues.

Management career path
You are expanding your expertise and leadership skills. Your goal is to be an inspiring leader for your team, your department and your division in every leadership situation. You want to inspire your team and allow them to achieve the very best that they can.

For you on top:
Our Benefits

Your motivation and willingness to perform are the essential building blocks of your success. We have therefore made a conscious decision to invest heavily in creating benefits and motivating incentives as well as a supportive environment for you to succeed.

Employer- funded pension Daycare subsidy Intensive onboarding Mobile work Permanent employment Flexible working hours Mentoring- program Flextime Working in an other EU country After-work specials Deutschlandticket or public transport subsidy iPhone Drinks, fruit baskets, snacks Jobbike Events Sabbatical Fitness, health

Permanent position //We treat each other fairly. Right from the start. That's why we offer you a permanent position from day 1. Because we also want 100% commitment from you.

Intensive onboarding //We don't leave your success to chance. We train you according to your individual knowledge and career level so that you can be successful with us. Regardless of whether you are starting your career with us or are already taking your second or third career step. We support you!

Mentoring-program //With us you learn. From the best! In individual meetings, you will regularly exchange ideas with experienced mentors and managers. They will accompany you throughout your entire career at Etengo and take you further. Professionally and personally.

Flexible working hours //During core working hours, we are all available for our customers and DIG.IT experts. You decide for yourself how long you are on the computer before and after. We focus on personal responsibility, because of course you are responsible for keeping things running in your area of responsibility.

Flextime //If there is more work to do, you can flexibly compensate for your plus hours. With us nothing is lost.

Mobile Work //You have the opportunity to work remotely from home two days a week in coordination with your team.

Daycare subsidy //To ensure that your child is in good hands and you don't have to worry, Etengo offers up to €100 daycare allowance per child every month.

Company pension scheme & capital-forming benefits //Is becoming increasingly important in view of population and pension trends: retirement provision. That's why Etengo supports your company pension scheme with a voluntary employer contribution of up to 20%. You can also protect yourself with capital-forming benefits (VL) of €40 per month.

Sabbatical //After three Etengo years, you have the opportunity to take two full calendar months at a time (free) time for a project close to your heart! Etengo will add a bonus for you so that you can enjoy your sabbatical without enjoy your sabbatical without worries. Your job at Etengo is of course absolutely secure during this time.

Jobbike //Get to work relaxed and be active at the same time. Etengo subsidizes your bike leasing. And after the leasing period, the new bike is yours

Drinks, fruit baskets, snacks //You should want for nothing. That's why our fridges are full of soft drinks for you. Even a glass of wine or an after-work beer on Friday is taken care of. Fruit baskets, soups from Little Lunch and muesli mixes from MyMuesli are available to keep you healthy throughout the day. Go for it.

Company fitness & health measures //We support you in staying fit and healthy! You can train at Urban Sports Club at a reduced rate through Etengo. We also offer you regular check-ups, such as the company eye examination.

Events //We know how to celebrate success. In small groups and in large gatherings. That's why we combine spontaneous events, great summer parties and festive Christmas parties with many, many team events. All year round.

Germany ticket or public transport subsidy //Of course, you can also use it privately: Etengo will pay for your Deutschlandticket or subsidize another individual ticket for public transport so that you can get to work in an environmentally conscious and stress-free way.

Working in another EU country //Paris? Milan? Barcelona? With us, you can work abroad in the EU for up to 20 days a year.

After-Work-Specials //After a successful day at work, you are cordially invited. For a cool beer after work or a spontaneous foosball tournament with your colleagues.

iPhone //Always up to date. Always state-of-the-art. Our work equipment enables you to work with the latest programs and tools.

The modern art of working.

The Etengo company headquarters was designed to meet our specific requirements. As well as modern team offices, we have numerous quiet rooms where employees can discuss things in peace or bounce around new ideas over a coffee. We have the base camp and a roof terrace with a view of Mannheim airport, so there is plenty of space for long lunch breaks or the odd company event. There is also a sports arena featuring games machines, table football and air hockey. Those who prefer a less active approach can chill out in our Japanese relaxation room. All good reasons to look forward to going to the office every day.

What our colleagues say. About us.


Die Effizienz des Einzelnen in seinem/ihrem Job hat aus meiner Sicht einen entscheidenden Einfluss darauf, ob man das Gefühl einer guten Work-Life-Balance hat. Und wie überall fällt mal mehr Arbeit an und mal weniger. Überstunden können aber auch jederzeit wieder abgebaut werden.


Der Kollegenzusammenhalt ist wahrscheinlich - wie überall - stark abhängig vom Team. In meinem Team sind die Kollegen einer der Gründe, weshalb ich jeden Tag sehr gern ins Büro gehe.


Ich habe selbst ausschließlich sehr gute Erfahrungen mit meinen Vorgesetzten gemacht. Sie fordern, fördern und unterstützen, wo sie können, und das alles immer auf Augenhöhe!


Gleichberechtigung zwischen Männern und Frauen ist gegeben.

Are we a good fit?

Test yourself. And us.

Team player

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Do you have any questions about your career at Etengo?